Here are the results as our poll watchers counted them. When the volunteers left at 1:00 am (!!), these weren't "certified" yet, but the count was finished. The postings in the school on the 19th confirmed the candidates, and we will work on getting the numbers verified.
New LSC Members
Parent Representatives:
Josephine Sanders: 240
Tom Hoffer: 230
Michael Ewing: 227
Julie Hammond: 198
Angela Stewart: 196
Nicole Hayes: 160
Community Representatives:
Carla Pollard: 152
Michael Scott: 81
Parent Representatives:
Heather Taylor: 154
Elizabeth Owens-Hunter: 150
Leslé Honoré-Smith: 140
Community Representatives:
Kara Scott: 33
Jataun Martin: 26
Thank you everyone for all of the hard work and resources that were contributed to this campaign and the elections. Before even looking at the final vote, we had amazing success in motivating parents and community to come out and be involved with Murray. Most reports put the total number of voters (parent and community) close to 500, which is nearly double what is has been in the past. This is fantastic! This kind of involvement is critical to Murray's well-being, and such a great way to kick off the beginning of the new LSC term.
And the final results of the vote are very exciting. We had four out of our 6 parent candidates selected for the new LSC, which is a strong voice on the council. It is our hope that now all Murray parents will feel that they have significant representation on the new LSC and be invested in seeing it and the school succeed. We all need each other and the community in order to make real progress happen. We have a great opportunity to pave the way for real teamwork and collaboration to begin.
So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of the hard work everyone has put in to making these elections such a success. And a special thank you to poll watchers Miriam, Curtrice, Heather, and Jo who stayed until the wee hours of the morning helping to tally the votes.
Please pass along our thanks to the various family members, friends, and community groups to let them know that their participation and involvement were so appreciated. It is important to let everyone who participated know that they made a difference, and they are welcome and needed as Murray continues to go forward.
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